Second Language Acquisition
In today's society it is essential to learn foreign languages. Many people
find foreign languages to be fun and not necessary for a full functioning society.
Afterall, if a person lives in a nation in which English, for instance,
is the official language, then he or she really has no need to acquire
another language to live a full and complete life. However, this belief
is not true of the world today.
If a nation is to make a contribution to world
affairs, then its citizens are required to have knowledge of foreign
languages. If different nations cannot understand what each other are
saying then no one can get much accomplished internationally. Different
people need to be able to meet one another on common linguistic
ground in order to ensure success.
Currently there are more career
opportunities available to people who have acquired a FL than those
who only speak their native language. This is because international
commerce is dependent upon those who display competence in a FL and
can communicate with speakers of foreign languages. Often FL speakers
are required to move where routine use of a FL is necessary.
FLL provides people with insights
into other cultures that they might not receive otherwise. Recently FLT
has been integrating information regarding foreign cultures and customs
as to give a better understanding of the language, such as the usage of
slang, idioms, etc. This provides FL learners with a greater appreciation of
people of different backgrounds once they see it through the medium of
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This site is maintained by Christina Conrad
Last updated: 28 May 01